In the age of air purifiers, where not only is the air not that great, one is lucky if they stay away from the usual city humdrum, where there are more trees and lesser houses. Even though Indore provides for a great environment, majorly breathable air, and colony gardens, there are subtly dangerous gases like ammonia from our toilets, formaldehyde from our garbage, carbon monoxide from stoves, benzene from the detergents, xylene from surface cleaner, several other gases that we tend to inhale everyday, without us even consciously knowing about them.
Everyday allergies can also be caused by one or several of these gases, if you are prone to itching, frequent cold, allergies, burning sensation in the eyes then these gases are probably to blame.
However, you can have a healthy breathing area just by upgrading your décor by adopting house plants. They are not only a pretty sight, but also start showing a visible difference in a week’s time. These plants are easily available in nurseries, and are NOT very hard to maintain. Read on to find out more!
English Ivy
The most interesting health benefits of ivy include its ability to reduce inflammation, eliminate congestion, speed healing, soothe the stomach, increase oxygenation of the body, boost the immune system, and heal the skin. It even reduces spreading of excreta, especially found in toothbrushes which are kept near the bathrooms. It also helps against formaldehyde found in cleaning products.
Peace lily
Another low maintenance plant, Peace Lily’s are renowned for removing harmful toxins from the air: everything from ammonia and formaldehyde, to benzene and richloroethylene! They are also known to keep dry environments more moist, perfect for upping humidity levels if need be. It created quite a buzz as NASA’s approved houseplant and can indeed be a beautiful addition to your work desk. The plant also looks different and the top most part stands like a hood of a snake. Needs less light and weekly watering for survival.
Aloe Vera
This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. Aloe vera is great for a sunny kitchen window. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside the aloe vera plant can be used for endless benefits for skin and hair and even to heal cuts and burns. It is very easy to grow as well and maintaining it is also not a hassle; Mild sunlight and slightly moist soil is enough to make it multiply in to a large bush in no time.
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palm is a beautiful indoor plant. The plant gives a nice tropical look to the indoor environment and also helps in removing certain toxic indoor air pollutants. It is a shade loving plant and proper aeration and watering are needed for its good growth. This can be amazing for plant lovers who can easily maintain plants for a longer time.
Snake Plant
This plant is best suited for bathrooms as it can survive in low light and humid conditions. It filters out formaldehyde which is commonly found in personal care products. The Snake Plant cleans air better than most other indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide. Additionally, it emits oxygen and filters other toxins from the air such as benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. Most plants take away oxygen at night, this one gives off oxygen at night, which makes it a must add to your indoor plant list.
Green spider plant
One of the easiest indoor plants to maintain, the Spider Plant produces oxygen whilst purifying the air in your home and office by absorbing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and xylene. It needs to be watered liberally in summer, but can be very easy to maintain once you get the hang of it.
This pretty flower has the ability to increase blood flow to the heart and has also been found to increase a person’s sensitivity to insulin. Chrysanthemums are effective at removing benzene from the air. Benzene is one of the most common odorless pollutants found in inks, paints, plastic, dyes, detergents, gasoline, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. The flowers last about six weeks and thrive in bright, indirect light. It’s been a popular choice in Indian homes for quite some time now.
Areca palm
Areca palm plants absorb harmful pollutants from indoor air and provide fresh air, thus helps in minimizing upper respiratory tract diseases. The areca palm is also used as an interior landscaping species. You can often spot these in hotel lobbys. These make for a great indoor plan.
While, there are endless options to get for your Valentine, a thoughtful one would be a great addition to their space. These plants not only look good, they also help a great deal in eliminating toxins from the air and purifying them to a great extent. And more than anything, they come at very decent prices and are easy to maintain as well.
If you know about more such plants, let us know in the comments below.