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Stopping Food Wastage: Indore Goes Digital

Food wastage is one of the biggest issues that is being faced by all cities in India. We are glad to inform you that Indore has become one of the few cities in the world that has taken a step towards the same, to stop the excess food from house held parties, marriages, and restaurants from getting wasted and to distribute them to the poor and needy.

Indore administration has come up with a plan that would support food donation campaign and this would allow people to donate all the excess food for further distribution. The scheme is said to be launched on 2nd of October, 2016. The administration is looking forward to rope in more NGOs, organisations that are working for social cause and Volunteers.

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Divisional commissioner Sanjay Dubey added that an App would also be launched that will help the donors and procurers to connect in a very easy way and it will be called as – ‘Ahar – Annam Hitay, Annam Rakshay‘. He also said that

They will be providing a free platform to shopkeepers who wish to give foods that are nearing the expiry dates. This way, a registered user can immediately contact the shopkeeper for the same.

The mobile application will allow the users to upload the pictures and the details about the excess food that they have with them. They can also mention the quantity and amount of the food that they wish to donate and can contact the NGOs for the pickup. As NGOs will be monitoring the application, they will instantly get the notification about the upload and they will then contact the donor and will deliver the food to the needy.

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This initiative will also give people of Indore a chance to donate to anyone that they want or like. This would allow them to directly donate food items and all they have to do is to open the App and select the dates and the number of people they wish to feed. Food donation was earlier available at Khajrana and Ranjeet Hanuman areas of Indore but they were doing it without the help of any Application.

Anyone who wishes to donate some money for the same cause can directly transfer it to the organisation that is preparing the food. The donors then can take active participation when the distribution will take place.

This food donation initiative will also cut down the destruction of food items to a large scale.

This is really a very nice step taken by the authorities in Indore and Indore HD feels proud of the fact that Indore has taken up initiation. Please do share your comments and thoughts on the same and if you wish to donate and contact the authorities, drop us a mail.

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