What will be your take if you go to a McDonalds’ outlet in Indore, order a burger, and when you see your bill unwrapping it, you find yourself getting charged for something that you never thought in your wildest dreams! A Dandiya!
Well, this happened with Mr. Mithun Shrotriya, a true blue Indori, when he was out with his friends in Malhar Mall and went to McDonalds’ for some ‘Pet puja’. He was surprised to find the fact that he was charged 20 rupees on his total bill on the name of Dandiya and as we all know, McDonalds sells burgers and fries, not Dandiya! So, when he checked the bills of other people at the shop, he found that everyone was charged with this rather unique “Dandiya Charge.” He reported the matter to the manager of the shop and asked for an explanation, to which he took him to the corner and handed him his 20 rupees back.
When Indore HD asked Mr. Ranjeet Pelwan about this incident, he said –
ये तो गजब ही हो गया। नी मतलब यदि हमसे वो २० रुपट्टी लेके सेउ या जीरावन की पुड़िया सरका देता की छिडक लो बर्गर पे, तो हम २० क्या २५ दे देते। पर ये जो डांडिया का नाटक है, ये नी चलेगा भिया इधर। और यदि हमसे किसी ने ऐसी दिल्लगी करि, तो कसम रतलामी सेउ वाले पोहे की, तल देंगे उधर ही
Team Indore HD urges people to check their bills and look for all the charges the store or shop has charged them; before they leave the counter. If you have been duped like this in the past, do share your experiences with us and we will feature it here.
Do post your comments on this incident and tell us how you feel about this new kind of charges by McDonalds Malhar Mall!