COVID-19 cases in India reported the sharpest growth rate of 7.6% in new cases. Not only is wearing a mask a protective measure for people but newer recommendations now suggest wearing double masks can enhance protection. Double masking has been grabbing headlines in recent months, especially in the United States of America, which is still recording a high number of infections. Many using homemade masks are opting to use this feature as a way to safeguard themselves.

Now, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declared double masking to be a good way to protect yourself against novel coronavirus and has also detailed some guidelines to make your mask better for you. In the recent study by CDC, it was found that the use of double masks against COVID-19 is a meticulous measure such as these were able to control transmission rates. While even single masks lead to the reduction of transmission in COVID-19, double masks could offer strengthened protection.
An experiment was conducted by the researchers, who placed two models six feet apart to check how many particles were released from one and inhaled by the other. It was observed that the models that wore one mask, blocked 40% of those particles on the other hand a double-mask strategy was able to block over 80% of transmission and spread of particles. The best results were noted when a fitted cloth mask was used over a surgical mask, which curbed the transmission rate by a good percentile.

Apart from the recent clinical study done by the CDC, using additional layers, or masks can create a tougher barrier that will stop germs and viruses from creeping in and spreading infections. It can also do a better job in reducing the contagiousness of any infection.
Wearing double masks can also cover up the problems a lot of people encounter- gives a tighter, snugger fit to keep their mouth covered.
Who should be double masking? At what places should you double mask?
While double masking has its benefits but still is an uncomfortable thing to try. The ones who will benefit the most out of double masking will be the ones who face the most dangers, right at the frontline. Healthcare workers, sanitation workers, essential staff, who are in contact with a lot of people on a daily basis, have been practicing the trend for a long time.

Double masking will be effective in places considered to be COVID-19 hotbeds or known to be riskier for the spread of infection and is also recommended if you are unsure about the quality, or usability of the mask you have. This can include public transport, crowded areas, and places with poor ventilation, healthcare facilities, etc. Whereas there’s no actual need for you to double mask sitting at home, or visiting a lesser contagious area.
What do CDC guidelines recommend?
In respect of having a number of designer options available today, the most important thing to check with any mask is its fit, material, quality, and breathability.

CDC issued guidelines also recommend for the people to take the following checks:
- Try layering a cloth mask over a surgical mask which will reduce loopholes or gaps for the virus to enter, and would give your double-mask a comfortable and protective feel.
- Avoid layering two disposable masks over one another.
- Use a layered cloth mask if possible. Try holding your cloth mask under a light. If it is able to block the light, it means the fabric is good enough to be used.
- Using masks that have a nose pin or bands at either hand, which will give a snug fit, is also recommended. At the same time, using masks with additional valves, vents or filters may not work, since they can easily facilitate the entry of coronavirus.
The CDC also recommends that while wearing a double mask, the outer cloth mask should push the edges of the surgical mask against your face.
Which masks should never be layered? What precautions should you follow?
Even the smallest gaps can leak respiratory droplets into the air. When it comes to double masking, the sole goal should be added protection. Therefore, it is necessary to know what are the certain types of masks you should avoid double masking up.

Firstly, do not layer two surgical masks over one another. Since they are designed to be loose-fitted, wearing one over the other may ruin protection and make the fit worse.
Secondly, if you are making use of masks that restrict airflows, such as N95 or K95, do not pair it up with another mask of a similar kind. It will only further restrict airflow and make problems worse.
Are you protected if you don’t wear two masks?
Double masking is an added measure and not something which needs to be done everywhere, wearing a single mask; you will garner protection from the virus. The only pointers to remember are to check for the fit, quality, wear of the masks. It is apposite for a person to wear a good quality mask that covers their nose and mouth and stops entry of the pathogen. Loose-fitting, porous, or incorrect usage of masks won’t ensure that.

Another thing to be taken into consideration, even with a mask (or two), a person should be concerned about hygiene. Wash, disinfect your hands often and make sure your masks are sanitized too. Overextending the usage of masks won’t help either.