
    Digital overload: Nip bad digital habits in the bud for a better mental space. 10+ ways inside!

    These days it’s increasingly difficult for us to not be on Social Media. While some have jobs online, some do it to catch a break, and some use it as a tool to be out there, connected in the digital space. Well, whatever the case might be, “Digital Detox” is a work that has become fairly popular in the recent times. Apparently, most of us are now prone to what they call a “Digital Overload”.

    This article will take you through what that means, and how you can overcome it in your daily lives of being obsessed with the Internet!

    Designate One Day Every Week As A Free Day

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    This one is a very important habit considering the day and age we live in! Sundays are there for a reason, my friend! Take a day off where you can be completely off social media, and the internet in general. It might look a little difficult, but you will soon see how liberating the habit is. Consider this as “Me time” like they say. Plan out what to do with this time, and use it judiciously. Do more activities that make you feel present in the moment.  Read a book, do some self care, or watch something. Take cues from this article. – <>>

    Set Clear Boundaries

    While the E-mail, the Instagram chatter, Facebook, and so many other social media distractions are a mere click away, you do need to realize what these are doing to your mind. Set boundaries for each day, as to when you can stop being online. Be it official emails, random scrolls, or mindlessly consuming whatever comes across!

    Learn And Develop New Bite-Sized Habits

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    Gone are the days where Summers were dedicated to picking up something new. I guess we aren’t in school anymore, but also skills are now limited to getting our hands on new technology. Learn to cook something new, paint if you do, learn gardening, or update a new article on Linkedin. Figure a new side hustle, and get going!

    Schedule Your Digital Downloads

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    If you feel social media is taking up a lot of your time (which usually the case is), keep the browsing for the end of each day. Review your device for notifications and keep the apps which are relevant. Endless shopping apps will only lure you time and again into things you don’t need! Be wise.

    Remove Social Apps From Your Phone

    The constant notifications on our phones, and the desire to scroll through apparent “perfect” lives on social media, will put you in a cycle of constant comparison and unhappiness. Uninstall social media apps and access them via your computer when you want to surf through. This will keep you less indulged, and will make you more in touch with your feelings, and life goals.

    Don’t Let Your Devices Be Your First Priority

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    Don’t wake up and check your phone. Don’t sleep looking at your mobile screen. Wake up each day and spend at least 15-20 minutes of your time either meditating, taking long breaths out in the open, taking a jog in the park, or just some quiet time gazing around in the balcony. Set your intentions for the day, instead of feeding mindless information to your brain first thing in the morning! Keep your phone in another room at least 2 hours prior to bed for a good, sound sleep.

    Put Your Phone In Airplane Mode

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    We live in such a hyper-connected world! Increase your productivity and focus by putting your phone in Airplane mode for at least 20-30 minutes in intervals. This way you can completely focus on the task at hand, and will eventually allow your brain to feel less overwhelmed in the hyper-connected world we live in.

    Spend More Time In Nature

    This is the most therapeutic way to go about it! Open your window, step outside, or just take a walk. With so much noise already going on around us, taking a moment to acknowledge what’s around, feeling your breath and the movement of your body, feeling the wind blowing, and nature around can help you in more ways than you can imagine!

    Be Ruthless with your time

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    Make sure to actively engaging in “No phone time during the gym”, during meals, or while you sit with the family. Encourage those close to you for this habit! Make sure you make time for your daily goals, self-care, meditation, and more and cut on your screen time because that honestly isn’t taking you anywhere.

    Stop Multi-Tasking

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    Give up the habit of multitasking, as it can literally reduce your productivity by 40%. The shifting focus among several different tasks will only make you look efficient. The more productive and less overwhelmed you aim to be, the lesser you should multi-task!

    Start A Gratitude Journal

    Writing in a journal really helps especially when you are doing some mindful reflection. Even if you can write three lines every day, begin with that. This will help you focus more on the positives, and make you feel less anxious. Make this a habit and see the difference it can create!

    We hope these habits will help you come back to real life and focus your energies on what’s real. There’s so much to learn, so much to do, and so much to explore, don’t let the screens control you!

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