Textile units engaged in making Personal Protective Equipment kits have increased production with supplies touching over 5,000 kits per day. The production capacity was enhanced after a team of experts from Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE) in Gwalior, visited manufacturing facilities and also cleared some samples sent to them.
Madhya Pradesh Industry Development Corporation (MPIDC) had sent three samples of PPE kits to DRDO out of which two were approved whilst could not pass through. It is to be noted that all the manufacturing of PPE suits in textile units is as per the standard fixed by DRDO, a premier research institute that works for the development of defence technologies.
The institute is also producing sanitisers, masks and working on developing ventilators to combat COVID 19. The state government has roped in a few textile units of Indore to produce PPE kits, masks and gloves to supply across the state.

One of those is Pratibha Syntex Ltd which received an inspection by a team of DRDO and after checking the station, directives were given. As per the laid directives, the industry is producing kits. According to government officials, the daily requirement of PPE kits in the state is about 6,000-7,000 kits per day of which Pratibha is producing around 5,000 PPE kits per day, 15,000-20,000 masks and gloves.
According to the company experts, the team advised the stations to carry manufacturing process in a packed room, pass all raw materials through a tunnel of disinfectant, workers sanitize themselves at regular intervals and floor should be disinfected after every few hours.
In the wake of the increasing demand for PPE kits in the state, the parent company and allied units engaged in production are working on increasing production. To ensure a continuous supply of PPE kits, the state government has called raw material from Pune, Gujarat and Bengaluru and is targeting to build inventories for over one lakh PPE kits.