First, there was a pile of garbage, second, there was a sense of awareness amongst the citizens to clean it up and now, that mountain of garbage has been turned into a beautiful garden. Indore has and is doing exceptionally well in terms of cleanliness. Setting an example for other cities, Swachh Indore will act as the stepping stone for other cities of Madhya Pradesh for which a case study on the city’s success mantra would be prepared. This will include solid waste management, zero waste model and other cleanliness initiatives.

Whilst taking stock of cleanliness work ahead of Swachh Survekshan 2020, Urban administration and development commissioner P Narhari issued instructions to Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) to prepare the case study and believes students from schools and colleges should be invited and made understand the importance of the place and how the mountain of garbage can be turned into a beautiful garden.

At trenching ground, garbage is segregated into 12 types before being utilized for different work. There is a garbage transfer station at Star Square, Biogas plant at Choithram sabzi mandi, Central Control Command room and trenching ground at Devguradia among other places.

Other than this, at the biogas plant, the current capacity of which is around 200 tonnes will be enhanced in the near future with an aim to run maximum city buses.

A residential society in Rau was announced as zero waste area and the residents were appealed to make maximum use of water harvesting, roof water harvesting, and solar plants.