Going high-tech, Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) is working on developing an advanced municipal services monitoring and redressal system.
In lieu of the same, the corporation authorities are now contemplating to equip all door-to-door garbage collection vehicles of IMC with high-frequency closed-circuit television (CCTV) to take its service delivery system.

There are around 700 vehicles of IMC which are engaged in door-to-door garbage collection work, and CCTVs will be mounted on each one of them.
Footage of these cameras will be used for monitoring of utilities, identifying pipeline leakages, potholes, encroachments, constructions, and even illegal posters and banners, and allow prompt action accordingly.
The vehicles move in each and every street and equipping them with CCTVs will help the team cover the entire city in terms of enhanced monitoring of municipal services, and also expedite their redressal system.

Furthermore, the footage captured by these cameras during garbage collection work will be collected at the local or zonal level. On the basis of the footage, the data will be processed with the help of dedicated software to generate reports of each vehicle highlighting civic services related flaws or issues, in case of any, that is!
Identified issues will be forwarded to the concerned municipal department or zone for action. Any delay in the action would also be checked with the help of footage collected by the respective garbage collection vehicle of the area.

Hitherto, IMC has to depend on complaints of citizens and its own employees raised through mayor helpline or control room to attend an issue, this entire arrangement will work as a ‘unique municipal services monitoring and redressal system’, major focus of which would be on identifying overflowing manholes, leakage in water supply line, encroachments on public space, illegal constructions, unauthorized banners, blockage among others.
In addition to this, IMC will also have a system to monitor the movement of garbage collection vehicles and have real justified reason in case they develop a snag or fault during movement. It is worth the attention that if all goes well, IMC would become the first civic body to have this kind of a high-tech system.
Indore city has taken resource deprivation in the future seriously. Therefore, IMC has taken some serious steps. One of them is “Deriving the Fuel from Plastic Waste”. Read to know more, here