
    If you have clothes to donate, they have worthy people: Rahat Floods

    Rahat Floods started out with an aim to provide basic needs to people, who are affected by floods. This is an initiative of a NGO Goonj, and is seeking contribution from people of Indore. They were among the first to highlight the need of clothing as a basic requirement in disaster affected areas, and have always kept it on top of their agenda. Their way of working is not cash based, but is trash based; meaning they collect all the items that might be trash for you, but they can be things of very much importance for the people in need.


    NGO Goonj deals with more than 3000 tonnes of materials that are donated in some form or the other, every year. They are involved in systematic approach to large scale disaster relief & rehabilitation work with many innovative ideas that help them focus on area that are in need of a much greater level of disaster management. Some of their major contributions are from Gujarat earthquake to Tsunami, Bihar floods (2008), Andhra floods, Uttarakhand floods, J&K floods, etc.

    Goonj is striving hard to make a change in the society, where more and more people are coming forward to help natural disaster victims. They are spreading awareness for trash donations in people and are enabling communities to confront their realities, encouraging them into action. Clothes donation not only makes a needy family warm at night, but it also makes them to stand with confidence in a new set of clothes, that he needs to succeed in his or her next job interview.Floods-Donation-Drive-IndoreHD

    All you have to do is to take a look in your house and collect all those things that you might not be in need of, or the things that are no longer used by you, but they are in really good condition. What Rahat Floods is going to do, is they will collect the items from you and they will distribute them to the affected people. They welcome all kind of clothes donations, so whether it is a winter coat that you’re not wearing anymore, or clothes that your children have outgrown, maternity clothes, baby clothes, nursery essentials, hats, scarves, mittens, shorts, dresses, jackets, and shirts and possibly everything that are finding their way to the back of your drawer. You can donate almost everything like:

    • Cooking Utensils- Pans (Tawa), Pressure cookers, Wok (Kadhai), Cooking Pots (Patila) , Cooking spoons, Knife, Plates, Glass, eating spoons

    • Buckets & Mugs

    • Blankets & woollens

    • Tarpaulins, Old flex banners

    • Torch & Batteries, Candles & match boxes, Lanterns

    • Umbrellas, Rain coats

    • Sturdy Back Pack- for material storage and its lifting

    • Water Purifier tablets

    • Dry Ration (Primarily- rice, pulses, cooking oil)

    Right now, they are giving more importance to clothing and if you have clothes in your house that are too tight or loose for you, or eating up an additional space in your attic, you could contact Rahat Floods for the same. 


    Contributions can be done at the donation centers given in image below . Last date: 30th july’16.



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