
    Safe Car & Two Wheeler Driving Tips in the Rains for Indoris

    Driving in monsoons can be a very risky affair if you are not careful. The conditions of our roads are already not in good shape in most of the areas and adding up this City’s extreme weather conditions at times, make the matters worse. Team Indore HD promotes safe driving and we are going to contribute some of the points that will help you towards a safer motoring in the rains.

    • We urge you to be twice as much careful in two wheelers. Not only you are completely exposed to all sorts of dangers on them but neither do they offer same level of safety, braking, grip levels etc as four wheelers.

    • Pedestrians can be extremely hard to spot in heavy rains and do make sure you have your eyes open at all times for them. Also, when you are passing a pedestrian, be careful to not to splash water on them.

    • If you are planning a longer journey during rains, do plan it in a way so that you reach your destination during day time.

    • If you are on a two wheeler, take a stop and have a tea or coffee at a place if it starts to rain excessively. During heavy rains visibility gets worse and as a two wheeler rider, you got to be more careful.

    • Do not park on the road if your vehicle stalls down. Poor visibility in the rain could result in someone banging your scooter or motorcycle down. It’s always a good idea to park down the road with your blinkers on.

    Preparing Your Car for the Monsoons


    • It’s always a good idea to keep the tyres at optimum pressure. This will prevent Aquaplaning which might result in car skidding off the road.

    • Get a new set of wiper blades for your car.

    • Get the beams of your headlight checked at a local workshop and ensure it points at the right direction.

    • If the rubber at your pedals i.e Accelerator, brake and clutch are worn out, do get new set for them as it will prevent slippage.

    • Water at the windshield washer reservoir must be topped at all times. When you tail a car at the highway, it often smudges your windshield, making it impossible for you to see, especially during evening hours.

    • It’s always a good idea to always have more than ¼ tank fuel in your car. Always keep a water bottle, snacks, and chocolates in your car if you are going anywhere that is more than 20-25 kms.

    • Check the first aid box in the car and update it with medicines. It is also a good idea to keep a hammer in your car in case you get stuck in flooded area, a hammer would help you breaking the windows for escape.

    • Get an air freshener for your car as the rains can make your car smell really bad. Packets of silica gel keep fungus in check.

    Team Indore HD urges you to drive safe! Monsoons are simply beautiful and they make your driving really enjoyable. Taking the necessary precautions will make your rainy drives a pleasure that you will look forward to!


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