
    Satellite-Based system to track Garbage Bins in Indore

    Our HD city is soon to come up with Satellite-Based system to track garbage bins in Indore streets. The Digitized Virtual Maps will show the filled Garbage bins as Red and the empty ones Green. With GPS enabled vehicles Indore takes one step ahead towards the cleanliness movement in the country.

    How will it work

    The GPS enabled vehicles of the IMC, enrout to keep a check on garbage would be signaled green through the digitized virtual barrier around the bin that is empty and red if filled- in a periphery of five meters.


    This technique that supports the creation of Virtual Barrier is termed as Geo-Fencing, which could be enabled throughGPS or radio frequency identification (RFD).

    IMCs Plan

    The plan is to be activated within a week taking 300 containers into consideration in a week. The Indore Municipal Corporation has installed global positioning system (GPS) on 40 odd garbage collection vehicles and plans are afoot to put 1400 garbage bins on virtual map.

    How will it help

    IMC is keeping positive on being able to keep a track of

    a. Empty and Filled garbage bins

    b. Movement of the vehicles and the time of the vehicle reporting on the location

    c. Exact time of the garbage collection

    Mobile App soon to be Launched

    District Administration has also informed of a Mobile App to be launched soon in Indore through which people would be able to post complaints regarding uncollected garbage along with pictures.

    Bravo! if the efforts of Indore municipal corporation and smartness of Indore citizens held through the time, there is no second thought about Indore turning into a clean and smart city. Indore HD keeps fingers crossed to the initiative of Satellite-Based system to track Garbage Bins in Indore.



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