
    Say No To Non-Certified Zumba Centres: What you need to know ?

    How many of you actually know that you need to have a certification to take proper Zumba classes or sessions? We bet that you didn’t have any information on it. We won’t say that it is 100%, but yes; more than 95% of the Zumba training centres in Indoor don’t have a certification with them and you might be a proud part of their so called sessions they are taking. To make certain matters clear to the population of Indore, we are going to give you a right info on the ‘Real’ zumba trainers in Indore.

    Yaggyaseni Mittra Chauhan ( The Whistle Blower )

    Guys please share as much as possible to stop illegal instructors spoil the efforts put in by the ones who undergo this training. These trainers are not even zins and taking up Zumba toning and aqua zumba classes

    So How Could You Check It

    It’s simple and not a rocket science actually. All you have to do is to type in on your browser and it will take you to a page that has all the information you need. There you will find the instructors in Indore who have a proper certification to carry out Zumba training and sessions. If you are not much of a tech savvy person, then simply ask for a certification where you are getting your Zumba training. Even if they have a certification, it is highly likely that it expired a long time back because most of the instructors don’t get their B1 certificates renewed, which needs to be done every year.

    Why You Need To Check It?

    Because your health matters! It is like getting a treatment from a doctor who has no certification or degrees! Would you like to risk your life like this with a person who just prescribes medicines at half the rates? NO right? Similarly, Zumba helps to tone down your body and affects your muscles in a variety of ways and you need to make sure you do it under a person who has the right training and certificate for the same. If you are going to get a training of it from someone who has no knowledge on it, you are going to do a lot worse to your body.

    Indore HD urges people to not encourage those Zumba centres in Indore that has no certification with them. Do check for the only instructors in Indore having a valid certification and join their classes if you want to pursue Zumba.



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