
    A Candid Talk With Indore’s Youngest Fashion Designer- Saba Khan

    A Candid Talk With Indore’s Youngest Fashion Designer- Saba Khan

    Talent knows no bounds or barriers. We realized the verity of this sentence when we met Ms. Saba Khan- the youngest fashion designer of Indore. Her splendid portfolio and experience with great brands manifests a story in itself. Let’s meet her now.

    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Tell us something about your journey starting from the beginning. ” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:|font_call:” main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:|font_call:” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]

    SABA – As a student, subjects like Math and Physics never excited me. I always had a passionate knack for creativity. I used to indulge in lots of creative activities and was fascinated by different artistic creations. This urged me to opt for fashion designing after school. It was just a beginning, after which there was no turning back. A new life had begun for me.


    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”How did you kick start with your work in fashion designing?” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:|font_call:” main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:|font_call:” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]

    SABA – (laughing) I never even waited to finish my education. In my first year, I worked back stage for Asif Shah. Then I worked for some more shows including YUVANA, as a stylist and show coordinator. After this, I never stopped working even for a day. I was always doing something or the other. Soon, I found myself surrounded with many offers.


    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”What does fashion mean to you?” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:|font_call:” main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:|font_call:” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]

    SABA – Fashion is an expression of a person. It represents one’s visual information. I think all the fashion has already been discovered and created in the world. The only thing that matters now is styling and using different permutations and combinations of designs. This is possible because of the cyclical nature of fashion. All sorts of fashion, eventually come back.


    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Were there any problems that you faced in your journey so far? How did you overcome it?” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dashed” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]

    SABA – During a show in 2014, my theme was rejected because they felt it was not an original even when it was. So I decided with all my heart that I will not let anybody hold me down for something like this. I researched day and night and as a result my theme- VINTAGE PRINTABLES reached the Apparel Magazine’s 2014 edition (beaming).


    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Tell us about your future plans and aspirations. ” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dashed” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]

    Saba- Currently I am working as a freelance designer. I have my own online store named as – The Stariaz. I intend to have my own team and conduct my own fashion shows. Also, I want to own a chain of my own stores.


    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”What role has our beloved city Indore played in your journey so far?” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dashed” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]

    SABA – There was a time in Indore, when fashion industry was still in the nascent stage. But I would say, the scenario has changed a lot. This change is still going as we speak. Indore has showered much love and appreciation on me. I have a long list of people who have helped me grow at my initial stage.


    [ultimate_heading main_heading=”What has been the real factor for your stunning success at such a young age?” alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_style=”dashed” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#dd9933″ line_width=”200″ main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway|variant:700″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:15px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:25px;” spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]SABA – Only and only my hard work. It is the ultimate key to success for anyone. And I don’t want to stop ever. I want to go on and on…

    Indore HD wishes her the best and wishes all her dreams and hopes to come true. We feel young talents are primary elements that contribute in making the city high definition. [/ultimate_heading]


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