भारत के सबसे स्वच्छ शहर में स्वच्छता का छक्का लगाने की तैयारी हो चुकी है। वेस्ट-टू-वेल्थ का शानदार उदाहरण शहर का बायो सीएनजी प्लांट जो की एशिया में सबसे बड़ा है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने शनिवार को एशिया के सबसे बड़े प्लांट का वर्चुअल उद्घाटन किया। जानिए बायो सीएनजी प्लांट के कुछ तथ्य और कचरे से गैस बनने की पूरी प्रक्रिया।
यह प्लांट जीरो इनर्ट...
When Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone in 2007, it went on to revolutionize a lot in the smartphone industry in terms of design, simplicity & functionality. In fact, the original iPhone laid the foundation for the simplistic brick-like style of practically every single smartphone today. Before the iPhone, smartphones were usually a confusing mix of touchscreens, slide-out QWERTY keyboards and often came in...
high-tech, Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) is working on developing an
advanced municipal services monitoring and redressal system.
In lieu of the same, the corporation authorities are...
In order to
increase and promote rural tourism and homestays, the state tourism
board is planning on
developing homestays on the bank of Narmada Yatra stretch.
Deprived of enough funds to kick start the restoration band conservation work of Gandhi Hall building, Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) authorities have decided to...
Money management may seem complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. Here, Vogue pens down an easy-to-follow, three-point guide to making every paycheque count.
While technology is bringing the world closer and opening endless possibilities for business owners big or small, Whatsapp just launched its new feature for...
Students under the guidance of IA Palani, head of Mechatronic and instrumentation laboratory (Asst. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering IIT Indore) have developed polymer-based soft...