कोरोना के नए रूप ओमीक्रॉन से संक्रमण अपने चरम पर है। जाहिर है सर्दियों के मौसम में सर्दी-ज़ुकाम होना आम बात है, इसी वजह से लोग नार्मल फ़्लू और ओमीक्रॉन के लक्षणों की पहचान करने में असमर्थ हैं। खुद को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए इम्युनिटी बढ़ाना ज़रूरी है, जिससे संक्रमण से बचा जा सके। इसके लिए केंद्रीय आयुष मंत्रालय ने हाल ही में लोगों...
Bhagavad means “of God” and Gita means “song.” Hence, the Bhagavad Gita literally means “Song of God.” It is a dialogue that took place between the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna and His devotee Arjun, on the verge of the Mahabharat war.
The perennial wisdom of the Gita has continued to inspire famous thinkers even in modern times, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Oppenheimer, Carl Jung,...
The emergency use of Corona vaccine in the country has cleared its way. On Friday, the Expert Committee of the Central Government recommended approving...
Preparations for the Coronavirus vaccination campaign are in full swing in the country. The government plans to approve the use of the vaccine. About...
अपने स्थानीय निर्माता द्वारा अधिकारियों द्वारा मांगे गए अतिरिक्त डेटा प्रस्तुत करने के बाद, अगले सप्ताह तक भारत को ऑक्सफोर्ड / एस्ट्राजेनेका के कोरोनावायरस...
Keeping children healthy during the winter season is nothing short of a challenge. In this season, children start having problems like sore throat, besides...
On Monday, the Central Government issued guidelines regarding the procedure and how the vaccine of Corona vaccine will be administered to the people in...
All countries of the world, including India, who are suffering from novel coronavirus infection, are going for vaccine deals to prevent it. The consignment...