A few months back, Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) awarded winners of the ‘Swachh Mein Swachh’ campaign. A campaign was conducted to spread awareness amongst private and government organizations, educational institutions, hospitals, hotels, offices, townships and market associations.

Furthermore, in order to identify and recognise the most liveable cities in the country survey launched by the Union ministry of housing and urban affairs, the corporation also released QR Code in public domain. The QR code will assist citizens in giving their feedback for the ongoing ‘Ease of Living’ survey.
It is to be noted that the government and private establishments were inspected by IMC zonal teams and NGOs between December 2019 and January 2020.

The inspection was done on the basis of various parameters like on cleanliness and sanitation-related parameters, which inculcated, collection, disposal, as well as recycling of waste.

The organizations with the best performances were awarded certification. The motto behind this competition was to spread awareness among private and government bodies to contribute to maintaining the city’s cleanest tag.

Indore is on a high road when it comes to Swachhta and sanitation. Since the last few years we haven’t missed a single laurel, it will not be a surprise if we keep winning the cleanest city titles for even a decade. Team IndoreHD believes it is not just the government or a single IAS’ efforts that can make a city like ours, each individual has to take this responsibility very seriously and actively participate with the same zeal as now.
Also, read our latest blog about the upcoming results of Swachh Survekshan 2020 in March, here