

    जानिए एशिया के सबसे बड़े CNG प्लांट में कैसे बनेगी गीले कचरे से गैस

    भारत के सबसे स्वच्छ शहर में स्वच्छता का छक्का लगाने की तैयारी हो चुकी है। वेस्ट-टू-वेल्थ का शानदार उदाहरण शहर का बायो सीएनजी प्लांट जो की एशिया में सबसे बड़ा है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने शनिवार को एशिया के सबसे बड़े प्लांट का वर्चुअल उद्घाटन किया। जानिए बायो सीएनजी प्लांट के कुछ तथ्य और कचरे से गैस बनने की पूरी प्रक्रिया। यह प्लांट जीरो इनर्ट...

    The Apple Event 2021 – Everything that you must know about the new iPhone 13

    When Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone in 2007, it went on to revolutionize a lot in the smartphone industry in terms of design, simplicity & functionality. In fact, the original iPhone laid the foundation for the simplistic brick-like style of practically every single smartphone today. Before the iPhone, smartphones were usually a confusing mix of touchscreens, slide-out QWERTY keyboards and often came in...

    Diwali ke Behtereen Items jo aapko logo ke yahan milne jane pe majboor karde

    हा तो भिया क्या हिसाब? अब क्या 3-4 दिन में दीपावली है और अपन को तो ये त्यौहार इसलिए पसंद है, क्योंकि अपन को खाने...

    Dogsvilla, India – An Indore based company educating people about dogs & their breeds.

    “Judge the deed and not the breed” was the core concept of the 1st ever terrier breed, organized by Dogsvilla in Indore. Brother duo, Akram...

    Diwali Pe Indori Mummy Dwara Diye Gaye Behtereen Funde

    FUNDA 01  नी धनतेरस पे दिलाये थे नी तेको नए जोड़ी, अब तेरे बड्डे पे लेंगे FUNDA 02 अरे सुबह से क्यों फोड़ रिया है, शाम को...

    IT and Dandiya: A Formula That Worked Wonders at Crystal IT Park, Indore

    पहली बार Programmers ने ऐसा ‘Program’ बनाया, गज़ब की ‘Coding’ का इस्तेमाल कर गरबे का रंग जमाया। No, it wasn’t exactly a typical Gujarati thingy nor...

    A tricky Talk with the Magic Boy of Indore – Deepak Mishra

    Recently, Indore HD got a chance to have a word with Indore based Magician, or should we call him an Artist, Mr. Deepak Mishra....

    You will check your McDonalds’ Bills Twice after reading this

    What will be your take if you go to a McDonalds’ outlet in Indore, order a burger, and when you see your bill unwrapping...

    Have you ever thought how a typical Indori would spend his day?

    राम भिया। अब सूबे तो सब उठ के आफिस चल देते है या फिर अपने अपने काम पे निकल जाते है, पर कभी आपने...

    Stopping Food Wastage: Indore Goes Digital

    Food wastage is one of the biggest issues that is being faced by all cities in India. We are glad to inform you that...

    Collect Your Garbage: A Small Step towards a Clean Indore

    Pick any place in Indore that is known for its eatables like Chappan Dukaan, Sarafa, Court Waali Gali, Anand Bazaar any famous place and...

    Bhai से लेकर Dude तक – घटती हिंदी की शान और बढ़ता हिंदी का अज्ञान

    आजकल लोगो के समक्ष हिंदी न पढ़ पाना और न लिख पाना अत्यन्त कूल समझा जाता है। कल ही एक दुकान पर जब दुकानदार...

    Indori Slangs that are used in daily lives and funny indeed

    तो ये है हिसाब भिया, इधर हिंदी तो है, पर जरा अपने इश्टाइल से। जिसको जमता है, वैसा बोलता है यहाँ। तो इन सब...

    Safe Car & Two Wheeler Driving Tips in the Rains for Indoris

    Driving in monsoons can be a very risky affair if you are not careful. The conditions of our roads are already not in good...

    Ratnesh Pandey: Making Indore and India Proud At the Top of Mount Everest

    Most of us might not have heard about the man named Ratnesh Pandey, and this might come as surprise for you that he not...

    If you have clothes to donate, they have worthy people: Rahat Floods

    Rahat Floods started out with an aim to provide basic needs to people, who are affected by floods. This is an initiative of a...

    5 Things Every Outsider Questions while visiting Indore for the First Time

    Indore city has got millions of things that one can find interesting & at the same time you may find many things a little...