

    ओमीक्रॉन से बचने के लिए अपनाएं ये आयुर्वेदिक और घरेलू उपाय

    कोरोना के नए रूप ओमीक्रॉन से संक्रमण अपने चरम पर है। जाहिर है सर्दियों के मौसम में सर्दी-ज़ुकाम होना आम बात है, इसी वजह से लोग नार्मल फ़्लू और ओमीक्रॉन के लक्षणों की पहचान करने में असमर्थ हैं। खुद को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए इम्युनिटी बढ़ाना ज़रूरी है, जिससे संक्रमण से बचा जा सके। इसके लिए केंद्रीय आयुष मंत्रालय ने हाल ही में लोगों...

    10 Reasons Why You Should Read The Bhagavad Gita Today

    Bhagavad means “of God” and Gita means “song.” Hence, the Bhagavad Gita literally means “Song of God.” It is a dialogue that took place between the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna and His devotee Arjun, on the verge of the Mahabharat war. The perennial wisdom of the Gita has continued to inspire famous thinkers even in modern times, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Oppenheimer, Carl Jung,...

    Autism Awareness Run: Let’s come together for a Cause Indore

    Tomorrow, that is, on 2nd of April, 2017, Indore will be witnessing a marathon that is for a cause. A cause that is often...

    Say No To Non-Certified Zumba Centres: What you need to know ?

    How many of you actually know that you need to have a certification to take proper Zumba classes or sessions? We bet that you...

    First Time in Central India – Blood Stem Cell Donation Awareness Camp in Indore

    DATRI Blood Stem Cell Donors Registry will be organising an awareness campaign in Indore where they will be educating people about the merits of...

    5 Zumba workout videos for Indoris

    “I am so bored of going to the gym, it is so monotonous” is not a new reason you may hear from people for quitting workout. Your body needs something new every now and then. Zumba is a Latin Dance workout routine that has got that upbeat, exciting and electrifying element in it which is never going to leave you with a dull and boring impression about it.

    Cyclothone- Cycling from Indore to Mumbai- Who| Why | How

    Indore has so far given great entrepreneurs, great artists and flourishing businesses to the world. This time the city planned something even greater- healthier-...

    Save your Broken Tooth in These Simple Steps

    You must have wondered that a tooth ache is the worst ache of all, worse is the fracture, since teeth are small, visible and...

    Things you MUST know when going for RCT of teeth in Indore

    Ouch! For every tooth in Pain there is a Root Canal Treatment, but here are few things you MUST know when going for RC...

    Indore- Smile Freely with Invisible Braces

    Get an orthodontic treatment in Indore by the best orthodontist and Smile freely with Invisible Braces. Get a dental treatment without letting anyone know about it.

    Why People Find Dental Treatments in Indore Costly

    Dental treatments in Indore have constantly been keeping us from visiting our dentist. Let us find out why people find dental treatments in Indore...

    10 Simple ways to get Pearly White Teeth

    Nothing makes a face more beautiful than a pretty smile with glossy white teeth. Have you been stretching too far to achieve it? Then...

    9 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath Problem

    Who has not, at least once, had a moment of a less lovely breath? Making not a single one go wasted we list below...

    Dental Clinics in Indore go High Definition

    Had we been crying big time over being high definition (HD)? Has Blue ray and Instagram been exaggerating way too much on their quality?...

    Wish for a beautiful smile? Veneer is your Genie!

    Do you know what these stars have in common? Apart from their perfect built, figure, well done nose job and hairdo there yet lays...

    Painless Treatment with Bhardwaj Dental Clinic – Indore

    Smile with no pain! As Dental treatments go Painless with the best dentists of Indore at Bhardwaj Dental Clinic. A bad teeth arrangement must have...

    Make your braces a secret affair

    Worried about crooked teeth placement? Straight teeth are naturally easier to clean and overcome chances of tooth decay but sadly not everyone’s happen to occur...