होली रंगों का त्यौहार है और हर जगह बड़े धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है। हिन्दू पंचांग के अनुसार फाल्गुन माह की पूर्णिमा के दिन होली का पर्व मनाया जाता है। लेकिन कुछ जगहों पर होली अलग और अनोखे तरीके से सेलिब्रेट की जाती है, जो की विश्व प्रसिद्द है। जानते है भारत की उन जगहों के बारे में जहां का होली उत्सव देखने दूर-दूर...
भारत के सबसे स्वच्छ शहर में स्वच्छता का छक्का लगाने की तैयारी हो चुकी है। वेस्ट-टू-वेल्थ का शानदार उदाहरण शहर का बायो सीएनजी प्लांट जो की एशिया में सबसे बड़ा है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने शनिवार को एशिया के सबसे बड़े प्लांट का वर्चुअल उद्घाटन किया। जानिए बायो सीएनजी प्लांट के कुछ तथ्य और कचरे से गैस बनने की पूरी प्रक्रिया।
यह प्लांट जीरो इनर्ट...
The famous food street Chappan dukan of Indore has got food for you that's from all over India. North Indian, South Indian, chat, Coffees, Fariyali and what not! Chappan Dukan is like a food treasure trunk with assorted dishes hidden in it.
mirror work has been an integral part of Indian fashion heritage since many centuries. This very beautiful type of embroidery has roots back to the 17th century. Although this work was brought by Mughals of Iran, it readily spread into all the traditions across the country. For a very long time, this remained as a lost art. Now the mirror work is back.
Cold coffee has always been one of the most sought after drink by Indori foodie's. People are constantly looking for places which offer great cold coffee. So here we are, with some of the places scattered over the city that we think you should check out.!
In Indore, a “Neta” is not necessarily someone with political connections. A Neta can be anyone who has some considerable amount of “fek-faak” amongst the influential clan. There are several peculiarities of such a person, often easily recognizable by his behavior.
Indori's being hardcore foodie's, love probing different kinds of restaurants. Among the various classes, Roof top restaurants have always been markedly anticipated by couples. Over the time, various roof tops dining joints have opened in Indore.
Stories of ghosts, unsatisfied souls and evil spirits have been prevalent since the stone ages. But these stories have always been looked upon with some sort of suspicion. Well, every city in India has a share of such stories.
How well do you think you know our beloved city, Indore? Obviously you must be aware of all those things that are famous about Indore. But what about those facts and beliefs that were forgotten over time.